Is This Mine?


Women to be have developed all ovum-oocytes at 4months gestation, as a fetus, inside their mother. These oocytes hold the DNA for the eggs they will become once menarche begins. Which means. . . the egg from which 50% of your DNA came from, was created inside your maternal grandmother. Which means your cells, your DNA, experienced both your grandmother’s traumas as your very own (in the stage of an ovum) and your mother’s trauma’s as your own as a growing fetus.

Also take into account emotions that are created due to societal programming and indoctrination through public education, class of income, sex, race, etc.

If you are faced with an emotion that feels "Unlike You" , "Not Your Own" , "Out of Your Control" this meditation guides you to Ask your subconscious, "Is This Mine?" including options for how to care for the emotion no matter what answer comes up.

Meditation Length: 39 minutes

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